Comissioned by:
Grammy Award Winning Artist
#1 Hip-Hop Festival in the World
#1 Billboard Chart Artist
Based in Southwest Florida
Photography and videography services are available for Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Naples, Sanibel, Captiva, Pine Island, Port Charlotte, Sarasota, Punta Gorda, Bonita Springs, Lehigh Acres, etc…
National Basketball Tournament
Local Award Winners
Naples Physicians Regional Healthcare System
Boca Grande Wedding
Wooden Bat Classic
Esplanade Holiday Party
Sanibel House Renovation
The Desire Wedding
Elmquist Eye Group
Media Services:
Our Sony FX3 is featured in Netflix’s approved camera list. Read more here
Business Services
SEO & Web Development
Creating content for your website and SEO goes hand in hand. Search engines do not care how talented you are in the physical world, you have to abide by the search engine’s algorithm rules. Our process guarantees better search engine results. One of the most valuable sources of revenue can be achieved by showing up on the top search results on Google. SEO takes time and effort and must be acted on consistently.
Internet Ads
The king of advertising methods. If you are looking to grow your business exponentially and have a budget for advertising we can ensure you are reaching your exact target market. We specialize in Google & Facebook paid advertisements. Organic advertising is vital, but paid ads are a method of guaranteeing potential clients are reached. Results may cost one advertiser $500 and another advertiser $250. The difference is who is using better keywords, target demographics, placement, etc... Don’t make a costly mistake!
Social Media Marketing & Management
The rumors are true… Social media rules the world these days. If you truly want your business to reach its max potential you need to be on social media and actively engaging with your community. Copywriting, graphic design, video editing, and more are needed to properly gain traction on social media - let us do the work. We design social media pages and also create content for you to post. While you’re out in the field, let us handle and develop your social media presence.
Contact me!